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Patient Newsletter October 2024

Welcome back to the Horizon Healthcare patient newsletter. Here we will keep you updated on what’s happening at the practice, community events and initiatives and important health information.

As October wraps up, we wanted to share some updates and offer some guidance for the upcoming months.

What’s New: Upcoming Festive Fun Day for Pre-school Boosters🎄🎅

Thanks to the fantastic turnout and positive feedback from our Children’s Flu Vaccination Fun Days, we’re excited to announce that we’re planning a Festive Fun Day for Preschool Boosters

This event will be designed to create a warm, festive atmosphere where young children can feel relaxed while receiving their essential pre-school booster shots. If your child is eligible, we’ll be sending out invitations in the coming weeks, so please keep an eye out. We’re looking forward to making it a memorable day for everyone involved!

Student Guide to the NHS this Winter 🌨️📚

Winter is a busy season for the NHS, but we want to make sure students know where and how to access the care they need. Here’s a quick guide to ensure you’re making the most of our services this winter:

  • Pharmacies: For minor illnesses like colds, sore throats, and minor injuries, your local pharmacy is a great first stop. Pharmacists are well-equipped to offer advice and over-the-counter treatments.
  • NHS 111: Unsure of where to go? NHS 111 is available 24/7 and can advise you on the best course of action, whether it’s self-care, seeing a pharmacist, or visiting a healthcare facility.
  • GP Appointments: If you have ongoing symptoms or need non-urgent care, book an appointment with us at Horizon. We’re here to support you with general healthcare needs throughout the winter season.
  • Urgent Care: Only use A&E for emergencies, such as severe injuries or symptoms that could be life-threatening. Remember, using the right service helps everyone get the care they need faster.

What’s on the horizon?

Over the next month you can look out for:

Addressing missed appointments

We need your help to improve our services and ensure timely care for all patients.

When appointments are missed, it not only affects the individual patients but also limits our ability to offer those time slots to others in need of care. 

You can help by cancelling any appointments you can no longer attend. Either via phone or on our website.

Join our patient participation group (PPG)

We believe in working together with our patients to improve our services. Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a vital part of this effort, providing a platform for patients to share their insights and feedback.

The PPG is a group of patients who meet regularly to discuss and influence the way services are provided at Horizon. Members have the opportunity to suggest improvements, share experiences and help to shape the future of our practice.

Their next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 19th November at 3pm. If you’d like to join and make a difference, please email or ask our reception team to book you a space. We welcome patients from all backgrounds, ages and experiences.

Thank you for staying connected with us. We hope you have a safe and healthy November. Keep an eye on your inbox and our social media pages for more updates on upcoming events and health tips!

Warm regards,

The Horizon Healthcare Team