We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.
Antenatal clinic
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. Please visit the appointments page or ring the surgery to book an appointment. If your pregnancy is progressing normally and you do not have any worries you do not need to see a GP, but can book in with a Midwife at 8-10 weeks.
Childhood immunisations
These are by appointment with the nurse.
Asthma and COPD clinic
These appointments are now with a clinical pharmacist at any time.
Diabetes clinic
These appointments are now with a clinical pharmacist at any time.
Coronary heart disease clinic
These appointments are now with a clinical pharmacist at any time.
Cervical smear testing
These are now bookable with the nurse at any time. Please visit the appointments page to book an appointment.
Nurses can give advice and some are able to fit caps & coils. Please visit the appointments page or phone for an appointment to discuss your needs. What are your options?
Minor surgery
Some minor procedures can be carried out in the surgery. You must be seen and assessed before being booked into the clinic.